Laparotomy Procedure

A laparotomy is a surgical procedure that allows access to the abdominal cavity for the purpose of examining and treating various abdominal or internal organ conditions. There are several reasons why a laparotomy may be necessary.

Why is a Laparotomy Needed?

A laparotomy may be necessary to investigate abdominal or internal organ problems or to treat specific medical conditions.  Identifying the source of abdominal pain, treating abdominal injuries, examining the extent of diseases such as endometriosis or cancer, and responding to emergencies are common reasons for a laparotomy.

Speaking with your doctor is important if you want to know why a laparotomy is advised in your situation.

Preparing For A Laparotomy

Blood tests and other diagnostic procedures may be required before a laparotomy.  You will be instructed to fast (not consume food or drink) on the day of surgery. Discuss with your doctor whether to stop taking any medications before the procedure.

During A Laparotomy

General anesthesia will be used to keep you unconscious during the procedure. An incision will be made in your abdomen to allow the surgeon access to the abdominal cavity for examination.

Additional procedures may be performed concurrently depending on the specific issue, which should be discussed with your doctor.


Expectations Recovery after a laparotomy is a gradual process. Upon waking from surgery, you may have a catheter to aid urination. Pain medication will be provided, and your ability to eat and drink normally may be delayed. You will likely require time off from work to recover.

The surgical wound may be closed with stitches or staples, which must be removed as directed by your doctor. Patients are usually admitted to the hospital for at least a few days after surgery.

Potential Complications

While laparotomies are generally safe, there are some risks involved.  Complications such as bleeding, infection, or organ damage may occur in rare cases.

Post-surgery blood clots can also be a concern. You should immediately seek medical attention if you have a fever, severe pain, nausea, vomiting, or notice redness or discharge around the wound.